Welcome to the Aquarius Portal

 For The Intuitive Essence Subscription Box
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Are you ready to get weird and wonderful?!

Aquarius understands that the only constant is change, and that if we are ever going to make our way in the world, it's going to have to be different than what we have seen before. Einstein said it perfectly when he said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results". 

We are not all meant for the aquarian lifestyle, but during this season of the water-bearer we can borrow their strength-of-strange by trying something a little off brand to see where it takes us. 


Scenter Yourself

~Fragrance notes of A q u a r i u s~

Bergamot is the super charge energy waiting to be set on course. Delightful, citrusy and joyful.

Orange Blossom softens and blooms in the heart of this scent with the most sedative qualities of all florals in the queendom. 

Myrrh is the note from left-field, with a nod to Uranus, the ruling planet of Aqua and its affinity for change and the unexpected. 



1. Aquarius Essence- Opening with a musky forward, this blend is deeper than meets the nose. Comforting like a grandfather figure, and forest like the green thumb of grandma, this scent will surprise you with rich and caramel-like undertones. Daring to stand out and speak up is sometimes the most terrifying thing but also the most rewarding; let the Aqua fragrance encourage your truest voice.

2. Rogue Hydrosol- Made on the summer solstice. The plants distilled in this face toner  come from a beautiful community land in southern California. This land is occupied by an intentional community who treats it well. The plants involved were many: Red Rose, Pink Rose, Plum, French Lavender, Mexican Dreaming herb, Artemisia Vulgaris, Borage, one oak leaf, one Ginko leaf, Eucalyptus, Jasmine flowers, and lastly, the energetic essence of Datura

3.  Desert Dreams- One of three new scents from Intuitive Essence’s new collection, California Dreams. This scent opens with Tobacco absolute, so delicious and deep. Bergamot and cactus Lily spring forward to help this sent to take flight, like starlight in the deep desert night sky. Delicious notes of Howood bring in an herbaceous quality, to evoke the smell of your first breath of Joshua Tree morning air.

4. Scalp Oil- I have been refining my hair care routine for 20 years and while I certainly still shift my cleansing and styling products, this oil is no-joke the best thing I’ve found for my hair. So let me give you the download. No more gate keeping. Great hair starts with a healthy scalp (well, and a healthy gut but we can talk about that later) and it’s a balance that fluctuates throughout seasons. This oil will help clear product buildup and dirt making way for quicker hair growth. It will nourish and moisturize the delicate skin on the scalp for healthy and shiny hair. The essential oils within, work to stimulate the follicles for hair growth and thickness. The instructions are on the label but here are more in-depth notes.  

Scalp oil treatment
  1. Start with a clean scalp (just shampooing is fine)
  2. While in the shower use the dropper to apply scalp oil directly to the scalp. (I use about 4 droppers full )
  3. Massage it in
  4. Get a wash cloth wet with warm water, squeeze out excess water.
  5. Place wash cloth on scalp and let it sit for 15 minutes, getting the towel warm when it cools down. This will help open follicles and let the oils penetrate and heal the scalp. 
  6. After 15 mins wash scalp completely using shampoo and conditioner really massaging the scalp.
  7. You can also sleep with the oil in your hair and wash in the morning or leave it in all day (you can wear an head scarf or hat) and wash it out later. If you do not wash it out, your scalp will be super oily and make your hair look wet. 

Use our scalp oil daily for hair loss, weekly for dandruff and scalp infections, or monthly for general cleansing of dirt and buildup. Once scalp heals, then use monthly for upkeep. 



The Aquarius portal

Stretching off the back of Capricorn season, which highlighted the importance of daily, step-by-step progress, we enter a season a bit more quirky in its method.

Currently, we find the world in a great shifting.  The realms of currency, tech, community, communication, legalities, legislation…just to name a few, are all in flux. It may be unsettling but it shows that sure enough, change is a constant, and sometimes it is mind blowing.

Think of the Internet and tech and how it has expanded and improved in the last 40 years, even in the past 25 years…It’s the visionaries and revolutionaries that have helped this evolution. We could be afraid of change, or we can flex our God given genius and remember who we are. Idk fuck around and find out what you’re made of??

We can dread a terrifying future, or we can envision a future that is better, cleaner, honorable, loving, fun, and take accountability for the fact that we all have a voice to contribute in the creation of this world we are yet to behold.


 Key Points

🐐 🖤 🐐 

Sure! Here’s the information for Aquarius in the same format:


Key Word: The Innovator  
Triplicity (Element): Air  
Quadruplicity (Quality):Fixed  
Ruling Planet: Uranus  
Symbol: ♒︎  
**Mythology:** The Water Bearer is an ancient symbol representing the flow of knowledge, ideas, and universal wisdom. In Greek mythology, Ganymede, a young and beautiful boy, was taken by Zeus to serve as the cupbearer to the gods. He symbolizes youth, renewal, and the sharing of knowledge.  
**Colors:** Electric blue, silver, turquoise, and violet  
**Lucky Day of the Week:** Saturday  
**Symbol:** ♒︎ The glyph for Aquarius is made up of two waves, which symbolize water or fluidity, representing the flow of energy and ideas. It also suggests a bridge between the material and the spiritual world.  
**Body:** Ankles, Calves, Circulatory System, and Nervous System. Aquarians often have a lean physique, but they may be prone to ankle and circulation issues.  
**Flowers:** Orchid and Violet  
**Oils of Aquarius:** Lavender, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Bergamot. These oils have uplifting and stimulating qualities, helping to clear the mind and activate innovative thinking.  
**Plants of Uranus:** Olive, Honeysuckle, and Lilac  
**Gems of Uranus:** Amethyst, Garnet, and Aquamarine 



Imbolc is a Celtic holiday that falls in Aquarius, around Feb 1 and is guided by the Goddess Brigid. On this cross quarter holiday, it is common to celebrate the first hope, the first glimmer of spring and the coming of the light. The cross quarter holidays are called the 4 gates of power and on this day we can show the universe/God/the energy that connects all things, that we INDEED, invite the light to come in again.


  1. Turn on all the lights in the house. 
  2. open all the doors and windows
  3. Invoke your own special message to begin your prayer. Call on your guides, angels and ancestors to protect you.
  4. Here is the main juice of the ritual: Acknowledge the light and invite it back into your home, your body, your life! Do this with dance, song, a ritual house sweeping/cleaning or just a simple spin in a circle. 
  5. Thank the energies that be and close the doors, windows and unnecessary lights. 

I feel the need to reiterate how many (probably all) religions and spiritual traditions have celebrations that are dedicated to light. I don't believe that this is to turn a blind eye to the darkness that is inherent in life, but to REMEMBER that even in the darkest of nights, the dawn will surely arrive. In the myth of Innana (persephone), her mother, Demeter is in anguish when her daughter Persephone is abducted into the darkness of the underworld. Demeter wallows in her grief, rightly so, as grief deserves to be felt and seen. It is only once she is pulled out of her dark depression by friends that she sees it is a passage through, not a home to stay forever. It is then, beyond the darkness she walked, that she is able to see the bigger picture. Perspective brings her wisdom to greet the next wave of life with an open heart. 

 Mini Astrology Session for Capricorn + Saturn


To find **Uranus** and **Aquarius** in your birth chart, you'll need your **birth date, time, and location**. Here’s a quick overview:

1. **Uranus**:
   - Uranus is a planet that represents individuality, rebellion, innovation, and sudden change. It moves slowly through the zodiac, spending about **7 years** in each sign. To find **Uranus** in your chart:
     - Look up the position of **Uranus** in the list of planets in your chart. It will show which sign and house Uranus was in at the time of your birth.
     - For example, if Uranus is in **Aquarius**, this shows a strong influence of Aquarius traits like intellectualism, independence, and a desire for social progress.

2. **Aquarius**:
   - Aquarius is the **11th sign** of the zodiac, ruled by **Uranus**, and is associated with innovation, humanitarianism, and uniqueness. To locate **Aquarius** in your chart:
     - Find the **house** where **Aquarius** falls, and see which planets (if any) are in that house or sign. 
     - If your **Ascendant** (rising sign) is Aquarius, you'll likely have a strong Aquarian influence in your personality, or if the **10th house** (career/public life) is in Aquarius, it could suggest an unconventional or forward-thinking career path.

Once you have your birth chart (which you can get for free online through astrology sites like Astro.com), you can easily find Uranus' position and which house Aquarius is in. If you’re using an astrology app, it will list out the planetary positions and signs for you!

Thank you for being here, and I hope you find this season refreshing! If you have questions, suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out via IG or email!

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love 🌹 ,

Your fave Scentress