Capricorn Portal

For The Intuitive Essence Subscription Box
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Capricorn season highlights a passing of time. Because the Gregorian calendar begins again and we celebrate the new year during this season, our focus likely lingers on what has been accomplished in the past 12 months and what it is we look forward to for the next. Saturn (the planet ruling Capricorn) was known by the ancients as Father Time, and in this fashion we can seek to organize our ambitions with the time we have, and the skills we posses. Reflection is a skill and privilege to those of us whom are safe enough to hold it, and in this Cardinal sign of Capricorn, there is much valuable energy in this type of dreaming...

Mary Oliver asks, "Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" 

Scenter Yourself

~Fragrance notes of Capricorn~

Blood Orange is uplifting for this earth sign energy
Tea Rose softens sternness, to foster a sense of trust
Oud Wood represents the complex nature of this ambitious sign, communicating the leadership qualities held therein



1. Capricorn Essence- With a nod to a classic feminine aroma, the Capricorn essence will brighten the spirit, opening with notes of Blood Orange. Tea Rose softens earthly ambition with the spirit of trust that all you desire will find you. And complex base notes of Oud lay a strong foundation to communicate the depth of meaning in the codes of your most precious desires.

2.  Zen and Tonic Shea Butter CreamBlended with rich and nourishing vitamin E, Shea, Beeswax and Coconut oil, this thick butter lotion works effortlessly on moisturizing your dry skin. Essential oils of Lavender, Geranium, Rosemary, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Birch, Juniper, and German Chamomile work synergistically to ease muscles, and stimulate circulation for healthy skin, and relax muscles.

3.  Forest Dreams- A new masculine scent made with all essential oilsBlended to transport your being to an ancient land, this fragrance is a living landscape of wooded kin, standing tall and resilient, linked together as a unifying force of nature. 

4. Lavender Buds- Lavender is an herbal maiden of peace and restoration.


1. Make a tea for calming the nervous system by emptying half of the vial in a mug and pouring 8oz of hot water (212 degrees) overtop. Steep for 5 mins and enjoy with honey and/or milk.

2. You could also Infuse the lavender into an unscented oil (Fractionated Coconut, Olive, Almond, Jojoba, etc.) for a luscious lavender scented moisturizer. Steep 2 oz of unscented oil over the whole vial of Lavender using a double boiler method. Infuse on a low temp for 2-3 hours making sure the oil doesn't boil and the water doesn't dry out.

3. Keep the Lavender in the vial, open it and inhale whenever you need a relaxing moment.

4. Place the vial on your alter by mixing it with other herbs, sprinkling it, or placing it in the vial to aid in specific rituals as a good-luck talisman for peace and clarity. 



Our spirit is always moving us towards our highest expression. Clear away the noise, the mind chatter and the "shoulds" to remember what brings you the most satisfaction. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are in the dark of winter, and thus a time to sit quietly in the sanctuary of our inner world. There is no pressure to do it all at this moment, we can only take one step at a time while realizing our dreams. "The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time". Trust your gut and practice patience in the pursuit of success. 



 Key Points

🐐 🖤 🐐 

Key Word: I Use 
Triplicity (Element): Earth
 Quadruplicity (Quality):  Cardinal (start of a season) 
Ruling Planet: Saturn  ♄ Symbol: The Goat: a surefooted animal who is able to ascend the heights by taking advantage of every foothold. The goat asserts its way through obstructions.  Mythology:  Colors: Dark green, indigo and brown Lucky Day of the Week: Saturday.  Symbol: ♑︎ is the glyph for Capricorn showing the v-shaped beard of the goat and the curved tail of the fish (the sea-goat which is the ancient symbol for Capricorn). The symbology of this glyph is two straight lines connected by a circle and crescent. The blend of authority and responsibility that is strengthened by both energy and passion. Body: Bones, Joints and Knees. Killer bone structure but can be subject to stiffness in the joints.
Flowers: Carnation and Ivy
Oils of Capricorn: All odiferous roots, Frankincense, Cedar, Vetiver, Myrrh, Bay, Cypress. These strong and earthy aromas instill a sense of grounding and stabilization that is archetypal of Capricorn energy. Use these oils to tap into the root, and Capricorn patience.
Plants of Saturn: Ash, Yew, Cypress, Houseleek
Gems of Saturn: Onyx and Sapphire 



A fairly simple ritual: On a Saturday morning, commit to doing 3 tasks that are responsibilities to your health, work and wellbeing before enjoying your free time. The archetypal Saturn loves when we accomplish something that builds character and stability in our lives. Once you accomplish 3 short but effective tasks, free yourself to the day and to your whims of pleasure; they will surely feel well earned!


Let Brian Tracy guide you in an extensive exercise on the Saturn/Capricorn specialty: Goals, Success and Achievements! 


 Mini Astrology Session for Capricorn + Saturn

+ Capricorn in your chart will bring a sense of authority, and responsibility. Find out what planets are in Capricorn to incur its influence on your personality. 

Saturn is Father Time and the influence of struggle and challenge leading to more power and stability. It takes Saturn 29 1/2 years to make a revolution around the sun. If we are lucky we will live to see 3 Saturn Returns in our lifetime, the first brining a sobering end to Childhood frivolity. When we meet the influence of Saturn on or around our 29th birthday we are called to make some choices on who we think we are and how we will lead a life in honor of that.  

Expect difficulty and prepare for set backs, so that when you meet the challenge you can be more prepared to be flexible and committed to the work that it takes to create great things. 
Hang in there, we are in it for the long haul, and we are in it for LOVE

love 🌹 ,

Your fave Scentress